Lee’s Crossing

Monthly Newsletter                                                                       June 2008




From the President:


Dear Residents,


In the last newsletter, we noted that three Lee’s Crossing residents had been chosen as Teacher of the Year at their respective schools in the Marietta City School System.  At the citywide awards banquet on May 27, Kathy Woods of Lee’s Crossing was chosen the system wide Teacher of the Year.  Congratulations!


The Memorial Day festivities in the neighborhood were again a great success.  The weather was great and the pool was filled with swimmers, as the water did not seem as cold as in the past.


Phil Wooten worked his magic in slow cooking copious quantities of pork butt for a crowd estimated at 400+.  Phil’s labor of love started at 10 p.m. Friday evening and did not conclude until late Saturday.  Assisting Phil were Joe Garrett, Steve Young, Kevin Brown, Bill Drake, Tom & Tommy Prosser, Jim Martin, Greg Padgett and Dave Krier.


The serving and cleanup team was led by Betty Foley and included Sandy and Bill Wilson, Tom and Judy Prosser, Dianne and Terry Ryan, Walt Dean, Gordon Pfeiffer and Tucker and Don McQueen.


Special thanks go to Janet Duncan, Social Chair, and Kevin Brown, Director over social activities.


When you see any of these volunteers, please give them a heart felt thanks.


We will look forward to a great summer season.





                                                                        Walt Walker




Around the Neighborhood




Summer Dive-in Movie


National Treasure 2

Book of Secrets


Friday, June 13th

The Pool

8:00 pm


Bring yourself, bring your family to Lee’s Crossing first Dive-in Movie of the summer.


The social committee is hosting this fun event for everyone. Please bring a dessert and/or appetizer to share. Soda, beer, wine and popcorn will be provided.


The gathering will begin at 8:00 with the movie starting closer to 9:00. The pool will close at 7:00pm to get ready for the movie.


Enjoy food, fun, games on the lawn, talking with neighbors and then settle down (parents we will need your help with this) in the pool or out for a great, entertaining movie.





ACC Change Requests and Approvals


A change request must be made when a homeowner wishes to make an alteration or improvement to their property.  Examples are repainting, building a fence, significant landscape changes, etc.  The vast majority of change requests are approved either by the property manager and/or ACC Chairperson.


1.      A change request is submitted in writing on our standard form to CommunityOne.  The form can be obtained from CommunityOne.

2.      If the change request is approved, the homeowner is notified in writing by mail and the process ends.  If the change request is generally acceptable, but the ACC chairperson feels there are minor details to work out, he will contact the homeowner and attempt to do so.

3.      If the change request is not approved, the homeowner is notified in writing.

4.      If a change requested is not approved, a homeowner may appeal in writing to CommunityOne.   CommunityOne will notify the ACC chairperson, who arranges a meeting time with the homeowner and the other Board members

Things That Do Not Require Approvals

·       Gardens - There is no approval necessary to plant or maintain an appropriate, live flower or vegetable garden in the backyard as long as its use is only for the homeowner and not commercial in nature.

·       Improvements Within Dwellings - Improvements within dwellings, other than modifications or alterations of windows, are solely the discretion of the homeowner and approvals are not necessary.

·       Repainting of exterior of home with no changes to color or hues from existing scheme.


Things That Do Require Approvals

·       Garden and/or storage buildings - Management Company approval of the location, design, building materials, dimensions, and landscaping is required prior to construction of any such building or structure.

·       Antennas and Satellite Dishes - No transmission antenna, of any kind, may be erected anywhere on a lot.  No direct broadcast satellite (DBS) antenna or multi-channel multi-point distribution service (MMDS) larger than one meter in diameter shall be placed, allowed, or maintained upon any lot except with Association approval.

·       Basketball Goals

·       Driveways and Sidewalks Modifications

·       Exterior Changes, Major

·       Exterior Changes, Minor

·       Fences

·       Landscaping, Major - Healthy hardwood trees measuring six (6)" or more in diameter at a point two (2) feet above ground level, flowering trees, shrubs or evergreens (excluding pine trees) may not be removed, radically pruned or trimmed on any Lot without prior approval of the ACC, unless they are located within ten (10) feet of the primary dwelling or diseased, damaged or dead.

·        Recreational Courts

·       Swimming Pools - ACC approval is for aesthetic reasons only.

·       Yard Art - All yard art including but not limited to fountains, wagon wheels, ponds, statues, windmills, animals, and other wildlife structures are subject to approval.


Things that will not be approved

·       Carports

·       Clotheslines

·       Permanent above ground swimming pools

·       Chain link fences

·       Wells, septic tanks, exposed above ground storage tanks

·       Trailers, boats, campers, RV’s and/or commercial vehicles parked in driveways or yards




Be sure to book the clubhouse early for any summer parties you are planning!  Call Debbie Kelleher   at 678 354 7042



Lee’s Crossing Cyclones Swim Team


By the time this edition is out we will have completed our first meet.  With rain forecasted we can only hope the evening was successful.


We now have 117 swimmers registered to swim with us this season – seems we have been adding swimmers daily!


We have 4 meets scheduled in June including:

Thursday June 5th @ Smyrna

Wednesday June 11th @ Echo Mill

Wednesday June 18th @ HOME *

Wednesday June 25th @ Oak Amber


* The Lee’s Crossing Pool will be closing at 4pm in order for the swim team to set up for that night’s meet.


In addition we will be holding our ‘End-of Season’ Party on Thursday June 26th – the pool will be closing at 5pm that evening for the team party.


Team Pictures will be taken on Thursday June 5th beginning at 9am.  The group shot will be taken at 10am sharp.  All swimmers please wear your team suit and bring your t-shirts too.


If you are interested in seeing the swim team in action, feel free to stop by our home meet on the 11th!!  Maybe you would like your child to swim next season!




Neighborhood Notaries:


Greg Amaden                           Lee’s Trace                              770-429-9264

Angela G. Ford                        Lee’s Trace                              678-234-7430

David Hardy                             Harrowgrove Court                 770-427-6319

Rebecca Jordan                        Cedar Branch Court                 770-427-1935

Carolyn Richardson                  Cedar Branch Court                 770-427-9900

Barbara Stubbs                        Trailwood Lane                        770-425-6991

Angelia Trevathan                     Basil Court                               770-528-9052

Margaret H. Waldrep               Chestnut Hill Circle       770-514-0821

Cecilia E. White                        Trailwood Lane                        678-797-6209


If you are a Notary and are willing to help out your neighbors, please send your name and phone number to leescrossing@comcast.net.  We will publish these in upcoming newsletters as a service to the neighborhood.




For Sale

Xbox with nine games and  four controllers (two which are wireless). The asking price is $100.  Contact Yecart Brundidge  404-610-0778.


For Sale

2 matching Thomasville Queen Ann wing chairs, one with footstool, light blue in fine condition, original cost $1,100 each, both for $350 or one for $200.  Contact Bob or Yolanda @ 770/426-7371


For Sale

Large contemporary styled glass coffee table with two matching side tables.  Each table sits on a brass base.  All tables in good shape, but not ideal for little kids.  $75 or best offer.  If interested, please call Anne at 770.722.8826.


Mathematics tutoring for grades 7 thru 12 

Walter Dean.  Seven years classroom experience in grades seven through twelve.  Call me at 404-862-3895 or email dean9152@bellsouth.net  


For Sale

 Baby Crib with light stained wood. Mattress also included. It is in great condition. We have a dust ruffle for the crib if interested. $50 or OBO. Please contact Mary Smith at 770-429-1705 or kmmarsmith@gmail.com.


ONLINE Garage Sale at the Jordan’s House

see this website (http://web.mac.com/mother2three/iWeb/Site/For%20SALE.html) for photos and watch for signs about an early June yard sale!  Sofas, entertainment center, computer desk, rugs, all for sale!  Contact Becky or Trevor for more info:  770-427-1935.


For Sale

Children's Items in Good Condition -- Lego Table, Peg Perego high chair w/wheels, walker, Childcraft white crib w/mattress, stroller, infant carrier/car seat, toys and many more items. Everything priced to sell! Please contact Michele/Bob at770-499-1152 or bartlettmb@mindspring.com if interested.


For Sale

GAMMA TENNIS RACQUET STRINGER.  String your own racquets and save money.  $75.00.  Call Don or Jenny Barbour at 770-422-0891


For Sale

Adjustable height basketball backboard up to 10' with water filled base. Good condition. Net included.  $25  Call 770-499-9354.


NOTE:  When submitting classified ads, please make sure to submit contact information as well as how long you would like for the classified to run (i.e., one issue, two issues, etc.).  Thanks.




Calendar of Events

Around the Neighborhood and Around Town


6/21                             11:00a – 7:00p             Junteenth Celebration

                                                                           Marietta Square


6/27                             8:00p – 10:00p Glover Park Concert Series

                                                                           Marietta Square


You can receive weekly updates on happenings in the city by subscribing to the Marietta e-news.  Go to http://www.mariettaga.gov/news/subscribe.aspx for further information and to sign up!




Around Town


Prudential Georgia Realty thanks everyone who came over and shared lunch with us and those wonderful people that played in the tennis tournament.  Together, the Sunshine Kids have benefitted to the tune of somewhere between four and five thousand dollars.  THANK YOU!!



Yearbook Ads for Sale


Are you interested in advertising for your business and helping to support the Marietta High School’s Yearbook at the same time?  Ads are for sale now to be published in the 2009 Yearbook.  Rates are based on the size of your ad ranging from 1/8 of a page to a full page.


Please contact Chelsea Herr for more details @ 770-331-2367.



Neighborhood Business Spotlight


If you would like to advertise your business, please send us a BRIEF paragraph giving pertinent information about your company along with contact information.  Submissions will printed first come – first serve each month, based on space.  Competitors will not be published in the same month.  Send your information to leescrossing@comcast.net.


Capitol One Exterior Pressure Cleaning not only provides excellent exterior house cleaning, we also provide interior Air Duct Cleaning using the RotoBrush Vacuum System.  We also provide deck cleaning and staining, concrete restoration and sealing.  To schedule an appointment, or if you just have questions, call your neighbor Finnis Jones at 770-617-2463.


I Recommend……


Debbie Kelleher  recommends our neighbor, Lindsey McClane, for dog sitting.  Lindsey has been taking care of Miles and Wilson for the past year.  She is very dependable and loves dogs.  


Debbie Kelleher  recommends our neighbor, Mark McQuaig, for jobs around the house.  Mark can do most all types of jobs in and out of the home. He also is good with yard care. 



The Board has started using a propane cylinder delivery service at the Clubhouse.  Bill McAllister with Suburban Cylinder Express.  GRILL-ON.com, 678-325-9388 or bmcallister@suburbanpropane.com.  He delivers in this area once a week on Thursday.



Frank and Megan Sullivan (709 Trailwood Lane) would like to recommend their realtor, Michele Harkins, of Keller Williams Realty.  Michele is an amazing woman of integrity whom we trust, and a hard worker who puts her customers first.  If you are looking to buy or sell, or know someone who is, we couldn't speak highly enough of her.  You can reach Michele at 404-388-3358 or at michele@movinguhome.com.


To receive newsletter by e-mail:  send request to leescrossing@comcast.net


For on-line edition, go to www.leescrossingmariettaga.com


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS for the July Newsletter is June 28.  Any submissions after this date cannot be guaranteed inclusion.


Newsletter Editor:  Angelia Trevathan:   e-mail to:  angeliatrevathan@yahoo.com  Phone:  770-528-9052


The LCHA Newsletter and Website are published and maintained for the benefit of Lee’s Crossing homeowners. The purpose of the Newsletter and the Website is to promote Lee’s Crossing and to provide our homeowners with information regarding Lee’s Crossing activities and related issues.  The homeowners have entrusted the LCHA Board of Directors with the obligation and right to ensure content conforms to this purpose.  As such, articles or advertising endorsing political positions or candidates or other subject matter the Board deems to be divisive, offensive or inappropriate in nature will not be published or posted.  All appropriate content is welcomed and encouraged as a means of furthering awareness and communication within our neighborhood.


Mailbox Repair:  If you need a new post call Bob Schoonover at 770-422-8774.   New number placards or paint may be obtained by calling Tom McBrayer at 770-427-8057.



Clubhouse Rental:  Debbie Kelleher 678-354-7042



Board Members


Walt Walker, President       770-428-4755                                        Jim Martin, Vice-President      770-420-3484

1060 Foreststone Way                                                                        1139 Chestnut Hill Circle


Steve Young, Secretary      770-423-0905                                         Erroll Eckford, ACC Chair      770-421-9738     

380 Baskin Drive                                                                                  656 Trailwood Lane                                                                            

Kevin Brown, Director – Social Activities                                       Noel Follrath, Treasurer             770-423-0623

770-528-9094                                                                                         1214 Meadowmist Way

1205 Fielding Court


Carl Trevathan, Director – At Large                                                 Covenant Enforcement

770-528-9052                                                                                                         Mary Weibel

540 Basil Court                                                                                                     Community One Associates

                                                                                                                                1102 Abbey Court

Board Email: leescrossing@comcast.net                                                        Alpharetta, GA  30004

678-624-9453   ext 303
