Lee’s Crossing

Monthly Newsletter                                                                   June  2006



From the President…




Summer is a time for us to take a break from our normal routines.  I hope each of you has the opportunity to enjoy a safe and relaxing break.


Congratulations to all Lee’s Crossing graduating seniors.  The Board and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.


On to community business… regrettably, Noel Follrath and Walt Walker have asked the Board to seek a replacement to do inspections under our Architectural Controls and Community Guidelines. Noel and Walt have been providing this service for over two years and the result, according to the many comments we have received, and our own observation, has been a significant improvement in the appearance of the neighborhood.  On behalf of the board, I would like thank Noel and Walt for their unselfish dedication to our neighborhood.


In finding a replacement, the Board is committed to accepting no less than the same level of inspections and enforcement. We are going to seek either a company or an individual that 1) will go through the neighborhood at least three times per month with at least one visit on a weekend; 2) will be available at least two Saturdays a month to visit with homeowners at their request; 3) will send letters at least once per month regarding violations; 4) will respond promptly to questions and complaints; 5) will call homeowners when misunderstandings are obvious and/or before any fine letters are sent; 6) provide monthly written reports to the Board; and 7) attend all Board meetings. The inspector(s) must take or have taken the Community Association Manager course with the Georgia Board of Realtors. The person(s) doing the inspections must live nearby so as to facilitate driving through the neighborhood frequently (the Board does intend, however, to give priority to someone outside the neighborhood so as to minimize issues related to getting a letter from someone they know).  We will advertise for this position as well as request proposals from traditional inspection companies. Compensation will be set at a monthly rate according to the best bid offered for the level of inspections specified plus postage.  If you know someone that you believe would be good at this task, please have him or her contact the Board at leescrossing@comcast.net. 


We traditionally have held Director Elections in the summer, but get less than a 10% response. Our bylaws require a vote of no less than 20% of the homeowners to elect Directors. In the past, Directors have personally gone door to door to collect votes and have held the election open until the minimum 82 votes have been received. The election in 2005 was not completed until December. Terms of office run from the dates that the elections are completed.  The Board believes strongly that the Association is best served when a majority of the homeowners participate in the election of Directors. We believe the best way to consistently achieve this result is to have elections that coincide with the payment of annual assessments.  Our bylaws suggest that elections be held shortly after the conclusion of the fiscal year (December 31) and allow the Board to determine the best time for elections. After consultation with counsel, the Board has decided that the next election will coincide with the payment of assessments in January 2007.


The notice of assessment and the ballot for the election of Directors will be combined on a single sheet of paper and mailed to each homeowner in December along with a stamped and addressed return envelope. Completed ballots and the payment of the annual assessment should be returned by February 1 to be eligible. The ballots will be counted the first week in February by an individual who is not a member of the Board and is not a candidate.  Nominations for Directors will be accepted from homeowners between October 15 and November 15 with notifications in the October and November newsletters.


Lastly, Minnie Follrath has asked to be replaced as coordinator of clubhouse rentals.  The Board wishes to thank Minnie for her service in this capacity.  If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please see the announcement later in the newsletter.


As always, I welcome your input and comments.







Mailbox Checkup


The pollen is gone and the rains have slowed, so mosey out to your mailbox and give it a checkup.  If it looks a little worn from a rough winter, spruce it up with a new post, a new coat of paint or a new number placard.  All the materials are available free to homeowners, you just supply the labor.  If you need a new post call Bob Schoonover at (770) 422-8774, new number placard call Tom McBrayer (770) 427-8057 or paint call Noel Follrath (770) 426-0623.




New Website for Lee’s Crossing


The Lee's Crossing newsletter is available on our new web site: www.leescrossingmariettaga.com.  The site will have access to newsletters and other important Lee's Crossing information.  Please save the site to your favorites for easy reference.




Newsletter Delivery


If you would like to get your copy of the Newsletter via e-mail rather than hard copy, please

e-mail us at leescrossing@comcast.net with the following information:


Your name

Street Address

e-mail address(es)


If you choose e-mail delivery, we will notify your stringer to discontinue leaving a newsletter in your mailbox.  You will be e-mailed each month when the newsletter is ready for distribution.   



Clubhouse Manager Position Available


Upon recommendation of the Clubhouse Planning Committee, the Board has approved making the management of the clubhouse a paid position. The volume of rental activity has increased significantly with opening our new clubhouse. The effort involved has become more involved than is reasonable to ask of a volunteer. The Board has approved payment for this position to include a monthly base amount of $25 plus $10 for each rental event.  The list of duties expected of the position is as follows:


Clubhouse Manager Job Duties


  1. Maintain schedule of clubhouse/pool/pavilion activities that occur on a routine or regular basis.
  2. Take rental requests and maintain clubhouse/pool/pavilion bookings.
  3. Maintain an accounting of all clubhouse keys.
  4. On days of rental, make provisions for renter to obtain keys.
  5. Review rental contract with renter, collect deposit and fees.
  6. Ensure all amenities provided with rental are working or properly equipped.  For example gas grills and gas.
  7. After an event is over, check clubhouse/pool area/pavilion for basic cleanliness and assess for any potential damage. Ensure all facilities are properly locked.  Make arrangements to return deposits, as appropriate.
  8. Communicate with tennis captains; obtain schedules of home matches.
  9. Book pool rentals as allowed by neighborhood guidelines.
  10. Liaison with cleaning company.  This is their designated contact person for any issues they need to address with the neighborhood.

11.  Communicate with Board of Directors anticipated needs regarding rental rules and regulations.

12.  Point of contact person for persons with questions regarding rental of the clubhouse/pool/pavilion.


If you are interested in submitting your name for this position, please contact the Board at leescrossing@comcast.net or call a Director.


            Calendar of Events

Around the Neighborhood and Around Town


Cyclone Swim Team schedule:


SWIM MEET SCHEDULE                                  MEETS START 6:00 PM

June 7 -  HOME vs. Brookstone 3                                  WARM-Ups 

June 14  - AWAY  vs. Brookstone CC                         HOME   5:00PM

June 21 –HOME vs. West Hampton                               AWAY:  5:30 PM

June 28 – AWAY vs. Oak Amber                                  *Pool closes at 4PM for home meets.  





Regular morning practices are Monday through Friday beginning Tuesday, May 30th.  Please note special times on Thursdays after swim meets.



             Morning practices

            5/6:                     8:30-9:00                             Thursday* after meet nights

            7/8:                     9:00-9:30                             5/6, 7/8     10:00-10:30

            9/10:                   9:30-10:15                          9 & up      10:30-11:00

             11 & up             10:15-11:00                        


  • 11 & up please bring swim fins to practice




June 8th – 7:30 PM     Board of Directors Meeting



June 10th7:30 AM   “Take A Kid Fishing” at Laurel Park



June 30th – 8:00 PM    Glover Park Concert Series on the Marietta Square

Music by The Naturals



July 1st                       Neighborhood Party

                                    10:00 AM – Bicycle Race.   Start at Clubhouse and go around

Chestnut Hill Circle.  Be sure to decorate your bikes.

Noon – Cookout at pool

There will also be relays for the kids and games for everyone!



July 4th All Day          Fourth in the Park – Marietta Square

                                    Starts at 10:30AM with the parade and concludes with fireworks at dark


School News






The following is from a report in the Marietta Daily Journal:


“City school students posted scores higher than state and metro-Atlanta averages in two of the top three tiers of January's fifth-grade writing assessment."

"Although there are six writing grades students can achieve, Marietta City Schools only reported the top three, "experimenting," or stage four, "engaging," or stage five and "extending," the sixth and highest stage.



Of the district's eight elementary schools, Burruss Elementary, Dunleith Elementary, Marietta Center for Advanced Academics, and West Side Elementary had 100 percent of students score in the top three stages.  Burruss Elementary had the highest percentage of students, 53.33 percent, in stage six, a 30.52 percent increase from last year and the greatest increase in students scoring in the top stage."


From a Marietta City Schools Press Release:

$35,000 HP Technology for Teaching grant includes HP wireless equipment, cash, and professional development to improve student achievement

A.L. Burruss Elementary was selected as a 2006 HP Technology for Teaching grant recipient. HP is awarding $4.5 million in cash and equipment to teams of five teachers at 130 kindergartens through 12th grade public schools in the United States.

"At Marietta City Schools, Burruss Elementary will receive an HP award package valued at more
than $35,000. This includes five HP Tablet PCs, five HP multimedia projectors, five HP digital cameras, five HP all-in-one printer/scanner/copiers, software and accessories, a cash stipend for each teacher and a professional development program that includes customized learning opportunities, expert mentoring and participation in an online learning community to support teachers’ use of technology.

Marietta High School


From the Marietta Daily Journal:


“A Newsweek magazine poll names Marietta High School the 1,057 best high school in the nation, a ranking that puts Marietta among the top 5 percent of all high schools in America.”  The rankings were done by dividing the number of advanced placement exams by the number of international baccalaureate tests graduating seniors took.


The Marietta High boy’s track and field team is the Class AAAAA State Championship this year.


Congratulations to Burruss and Marietta High for these accomplishments!



Around the Neighborhood


Men's Tennis Singles Ladder

Lee's Crossing has begun a men's tennis singles ladder for all ages for the summer.  The ladder allows you the opportunity to play a challenging match at your convenience.  It is posted in the info booth next to the tennis courts.  Ladder play rules will be sent to you once you sign up and there is no cost to sign up.  If you want to be added to the ladder, email Richard Ramsey at Richard.Ramsey@uscm.org or call 770-792-9110.



Adult Beginner Tennis Classes - It is never too late to start!

Saturdays @ Laurel Park Tennis Center

Session I    9:00am - 10:20am

Session II    10:30am - 12:00pm

All sessions are taught by Head Pro Zwelo Khupe

Cost:  $16.00 per session or $50 per month for one session per week.

Call the proshop at 770-794-5633 or Zwelo at 404-557-8622



Swim Team News

Adrienne Lemoine


The Cyclones are well underway with 124 swimmers on the roster.  Morning practices will begin May 30.  Lee’s Crossing residents, please take note.  The pool will close at 4PM on Wednesday, June 7th and June 21st.  We hope that neighbors will come out and root for the home team. Swim meets are very exciting and there is a concession stand available.


Swimmers and parents, our time trials will be held Friday, June 2nd during regular practice times.  Please try to attend, as this will be the coaches’ first opportunity to see swimmers in a competition setting as they prepare the line-up for the first meet. Picture day is Thursday, June 8th, the morning after the first meet.


I will be teaching summer school this year so will be unavailable mornings during the week.  Please contact Susan Herr during that time if you have questions, concerns or need to alert us of changes.






I will cut, bag, edge and blow off your yard for the season or just while you're out of town. References available. I will also take care of your pet while you are away.

Brandon Funk 770-421-9620 or 404-725-1757



I am 19 years old and have lots of experience. Brittany Funk  770-421-9620 or 404-725-1758



Looking for family oriented people (maybe father/son) to join our hunting club. For more information call Bob Funk   770-421-9620


Pressure Washing, Grass Cutting, and Hedge Trimming services available.  Call Jeffrey Trevathan at 770-528-9052



If you live in Lee's Crossing and have a child attending the Marietta Magnet School or the new Marietta Charter School, you may be interested in starting a carpool or shuttle from our

neighborhood to and/or from these schools.  Please contact Beth Garrett for more information.  770-425-8970 or BGARRETT@LOVETT.ORG.


Metal Detector Needed

We are looking for a metal detector to use in our backyard for a few hours.  Our new puppy has buried a treasured trowel!!  If you have one we could borrow please call Dan Kelleher  678-354-7042.  (He may have buried other things we can't find too!!)



If you are interested in forming a scrapbooking group that would meet one night a month at the clubhouse, please call Beth Pfeiffer at 770-499-8015.








Here is the garbage/brush pickup schedule for the week of July 4

Garbage:  Monday/Thursday pickup remains the same

     Tuesday/Friday pickup changes to Wednesday/Friday

No Brush Yard Waste pickup

Recycling Pickup is delayed one day after Tuesday

For the full year’s holiday schedule, go to: www.mariettaga.gov/pw/holiday_sched.htm




Our residents have been fortunate not to have any break-ins for as long as we can remember. With the onset of the summer vacation season, however, please take time to consider the following information from the Marietta Police Department C.O.P.S. Area Program


Frequency: In the United States, one burglary occurs every 10 seconds. If this rate continues it has been estimated that over a 20 year period 7 out of 10 households will be burglarized at least once. An unusually large number of burglaries are non-forced entry, meaning many homes are left unsecured, with a door or window unlocked or open while the residents are away.


Clearance Rate: The average solvability rate for burglary is a mean 13.4% nationwide. There are two main reasons for this: no or insufficient evidence left at the scene and the lack of witnesses. Most burglaries are committed during the daytime hours when most people are at work or out. A burglar gets away with his crime 82% of the time.


Profile: Most burglars like to commit their crimes during the day for residential and late at night for businesses. These criminals ordinarily do not want a confrontation, however, if they are cut off from an escape route or physically threatened they can and will often become violent.


Enemies to a Burglar: Burglars like to operate quickly, quietly and without being seen. Home security should be based on causing a burglar to take more TIME, make more NOISE and risk BEING OBSERVED.


The 4 "D's" of Crime Prevention: Crime Prevention measures are intended to DETER the criminal from choosing your residence (C.O.P.S. Area signs, alarm signs. etc.); DETECT him if he does choose your residence (alarm systems, surveillance cameras. etc.); DELAY him so that his chances of apprehension before achieving his objectives are increased (steel safes, reinforced

Locks and strike plates); DENY him access to particular targets (keeping seldom worn heirloom jewelry, etc. in a safety deposit box).


Operation I.D.: It is very important to mark and keep a record of your valuables. For particularly expensive items that cannot be engraved, such as jewelry, you should make a video recording or Polaroid record of them (with serial numbers if possible) and store the picture/ video recording in a safe place.



Other ways to protect yourself


Keep your doors & windows locked, even when you are home.  Keep your garage door down as well.


KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS!  Know who lives around you.  If you know who is supposed to be around it is easier to recognize someone who is not supposed to be there.  Let them know when you are going to be out of town so they can “keep an eye” on your house.


Covenant Violations and Inspections in Backyards



From time to time, we are asked if backyards are subject to the Covenants and, if so, how can such be inspected.


All portions of the lots in Lee’s Crossing are subject to the Declaration of Covenants for Lee’s Crossing and the Architectural Controls and Community Guidelines. This means that owners are also required to comply with maintenance and architectural control provisions in their backyards.


The Association does not, however, as a practice, enter backyards to look for Covenant violations during the Association’s periodic community inspections.  These periodic inspections are typically made from the street.  In this regard, violations in backyards will ordinarily not be detected unless: 1) they can be seen from the street, 2) complaints are received from neighbors, or 3) other conditions visible from the street lead to inspecting the rear of the property (several broken windows in the side of a house might lead to inspecting the rear of the house, for example).


If complaints are received regarding a violation that cannot be seen from the street, the inspectors may ask a surrounding property owner for permission to enter his or her property so that the inspectors may view the alleged violation. With such permission, the inspectors will make their observations and send whatever notice is necessary regarding any violation.


If the inspectors believe they need to enter a homeowner’s property to inspect for compliance with the Covenants, as a courtesy, they will normally ask the homeowner to meet on the property to conduct that inspection. 


It is best to select methods of observation that minimize any chance of confrontation with the homeowner. However, per our attorney, under the Covenants, agents of the Association do have a permanent easement to enter onto properties in the community to inspect any portion of the lot, without the homeowner’s permission or presence, so long as the inspection is during normal hours and the homeowner is given notice of the intent to inspect. The easement to inspect cannot be revoked and any inspection meeting these conditions is not trespassing.


Of course, the Board will continue to use a courteous, amicable approach when possible in this process.  However, the enforcement of the Covenants and community standards is a legal duty of the Board and a vital tool for maintaining and enhancing property values in the community.  While the occasional violating owner may object to the Association’s enforcement of the Covenants, the Board believes that a vast majority of the community understands and appreciates these efforts.

Being Neighborly


This page is dedicated to helping each of us in Lee’s Crossing get to know our neighbors a little better.  Many of you are independent business people or work for companies that others of us would be interested in supporting – we just need to know about what you do and how to get in touch with you. 


If you would like to advertise your business, please send us a BRIEF paragraph giving pertinent information about your company along with contact information.  All submissions will be put into a hat (ok, probably a bowl) and drawn at random for publication.  We will publish as many as space permits each month.  Competitors will not be published in the same month (i.e. 2 lawn services, 2 accountants, etc).  Send your information to leescrossing@comcast.net.


This month’s feature:


Premier Designs is a line of “high fashion” jewelry that is available only through “home shows.”  Every piece is beautiful, very affordable and carries an incredible guarantee.  I have a huge selection of earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, anklets, etc. (gold, silver, two-tone, colorful, bold, dainty, etc.) to suit any taste.  The hostess benefits are spectacular and are a wonderful way to win lots of free jewelry just by inviting a few friends over to “play in jewelry!”  Please contact Linda Sweeney at 770-419-8047 to see a catalog, samples and/or book a jewelry show of your own.


Notaries Wanted


If you are a Notary and are willing to help out your neighbors, please send your name and phone number to leescrossing@comcast.net.  We will publish these in upcoming newsletters as a service to the neighborhood.


List of Notaries:

            Angelia Trevathan                                 770-528-9052



Deadline for submissions for the July Newsletter is June 25.  Please send newsletter information to leeescrossing@comcast.net.  For on-line edition, go to www.leescrossingmariettaga.com

Newsletter Editor:  Angelia Trevathan:   e-mail to:  angeliatrevathan@yahoo.com


The LCHA Newsletter and Website are published and maintained for the benefit of Lee’s Crossing homeowners. The purpose of the Newsletter and the Website is to promote Lee’s Crossing and to provide our homeowners with information regarding Lee’s Crossing activities and related issues.  The homeowners have entrusted the LCHA Board of Directors with the obligation and right to ensure content conforms to this purpose.  As such, articles or advertising endorsing political positions or candidates or other subject matter the Board deems to be divisive, offensive or inappropriate in nature will not be published or posted.  All appropriate content is welcomed and encouraged as a means of furthering awareness and communication within our neighborhood.


Board Members

Erroll Eckford, President     770-421-9738                                              Kevin Brown, Director – External                           770-528-9094

656 Trailwood Lane                                                                 656 Trailwood Lane


Steve Young, Secretary       770-423-0905                                               Vacant, Director - Landscaping

380 Baskin Drive


Rob Ottley , Treasurer                      404-386-4239                                                Walt Walker, Director  - Swim/Tennis Liaison         770-428-4755

583 Briarmeade Dr.                                                                  1060 Foreststone Way


Noel Follrath, Director – at large               770-423-0623                       Covenant Enforcement

1214 Meadowmist Way                                                           Walt Walker & Noel Follrath

                                                                                                Association Management Services

1060 Foreststone Way

Board Email: leescrossing@comcast.net