Monthly Newsletter

                                                                                                        August  2013



Well summer as we know it is almost over for those with school age kids.  Marietta Schools are back in session starting Thursday, August 8th.  Be alert as kids walk to school or up early to catch the bus.


For those that do not have school age children, some good news!  Our pool hours have been changed this summer after school starts – in addition to our regular 4:00 – 9:00 PM hours during the week and regular weekend hours, the pool will be opened with a lifeguard on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  So please take the opportunity to enjoy the pool.  Also, around the pool you will note some new tables, umbrellas, side tables, and umbrella stands.  Enjoy!


Unfortunately, this summer we have had to deal with continued late night activities in the pool and clubhouse area.  Several neighbors have reported loud music, trash (including broken bottles) in the parking lot and other misuses of our common property.  Despite warnings from the Marietta Police, activity has continued.  The Board has granted the Marietta Police permission to issue Criminal Trespassing warnings, tickets and arrests, if necessary.  The MPD will increase their patrol of the area.  Please be reminded the clubhouse, pool and tennis court area closes at 11:00 PM each evening, unless you rented the facilities.  If you are aware of activity during the closed hours, please notify the Marietta Police. 


Don’t forget to enjoy the Mexican Fiesta Saturday evening, August 3rd at the pool!  Thanks to the Social Committee for all their hard work.


Enjoy your August.



Erroll Eckford

President, LCHA








Around the Neighborhood


Neighborhood Notaries


Greg Amaden                         Lee’s Trace                              770-429-9264

James Belrose                          Lees Trace                               770-794-9897

Melissa Drehs                          Lee’s Trace                              216-392-1424
Brenda Fairbanks                    Trailwood Lane

Angela G. Ford                       Lee’s Trace                              678-234-7430

David Hardy                           Harrowgrove Court                770-427-6319

Carolyn Richardson                Cedar Branch Court                770-427-9900

Cecilia E. White                      Trailwood Lane                       678-797-6209


If you are a Notary and are willing to help out your neighbors, please send your name and phone number to 




Upcoming Neighborhood Events - Mark Your Calendars
August 3 – Mexican Party

Sept 2 - Labor Day cookout
October 12 - Octoberfest
Nov. 9 – Party

Cowboys, Cowgirls, Good ol' Boys & Girls
Dinner and 5th Element Live Band


 Dec. 31 - New Year’s Eve 

More details for each party will be in the upcoming newsletters



Clubhouse Rentals


If you have any questions or need to book the clubhouse, please call or e-mail Tricia Wilson at 770-428-8144 or  In an effort to keep our Clubhouse clean and in the best condition, the rental deposit has increased to $250.  However, if you return the clubhouse after rental in its best condition, the entire deposit will be returned.



CLASSIFIED SUBMISSIONS:  When submitting a classified ad, please use the format being used for the ads listed below.  Pictures will not be printed. Please make sure to include contact information and state how long you wish the article to run.  All submissions will run ONE MONTH unless otherwise requested.


For Sale

Apple Cinema Display 20 Inch monitor - $ 99.00 LCD Computer Monitor:  Requires a DVI Connection for monitor cord as well a USB port and/or Firewire 400 port- ***Mac and PC Compatible*** Contact: Dan 404-395-3185 - Briarmeade Dr.


For Sale

Teeter Hangups EP550 Inversion Table (helps relieve back pain). Like-new - $179.00

Contact: Dan 404-395-3185 - Briarmeade Dr.


Babysitting Service

Need A Babysitter for Date Night?! Call me!  I am a 27 yr old EMT/Nurse and am looking for families to babysit for. I have over 16 years’ experience babysitting for children of all ages- infants to teens. Call me for availability!  Jennifer Bramlett    770-596-9806


Pet Sitting

Need a pet sitter for vacations or just need a dog walker? Call me! I love animals and have two cats of my own. I have been pet sitting for many families within the neighborhood. Jennifer Bramlett, 1162 Harrowgrove Court, 770-596-9806


For Sale

Black Mini Fridge (Magic Chef) for Sale for College dorm room or personal use. Very Clean and comes with ice tray. It is 1.7 cubic feet, and has a few white scratches on top. $50.  Call

Jennifer Bramlett  at 770-596-9806


House Cleaning Person Needed

We are looking for a mature person (no franchise type company) that will be directly involved in cleaning our house.  Must furnish references.  Contact Lynn Gregory at 770-422-9758 or


For Sale

1997 white 4-door Toyota Camry LE.  89,000 miles.  Only 2 owners.   Perfect for a first-time driver – safe and reliable.  Upgraded head unit - plays Mp3, CD’s, radio, and music through iPod.  $2,700.  We will be out of town until August 9 and will return messages then.  

Sally and Scott Suhr 770-514-7850.


Dog Sitter

We are looking for someone, preferably in Lee's Crossing, who would be interested in doing some dog sitting from time to time at their home.  We have a five year old mixed breed male dog. (45 lbs.)  He has few needs.  He gets fed once a day, would love to be walked, but it is not necessary, and he needs a fenced yard.  He loves to be outside!  He barks little, is well trained and stays off furniture.  This would be an excellent job for a middle school student or older who would like to make some money and not have to do too much.  Please call Mike White at 678-523-4400

Around Town





Calendar of Events – August





First Friday Art Walk


Movie in the Park


Miles for Memories/Alzheimers Walk


Ride in former Army Helicopter over Marietta


Strand Theatre's 2013 Summer Music Series


Glover Park Concert Series


Art in the Park

 These events are from the City of Marietta calendar.  For more information on any of these events, go to, click on the city calendar and follow the link to the desired event.


Glover Park Concert Series

Aug. 23: A1A (Jimmy Buffett Tribute Band)
Sept. 27: Kasper and the 911 Band (Soul and Motown)





Neighborhood Business Spotlight

If you would like to tell your neighbors about your business or recommend someone else’s -business, please send us a BRIEF paragraph giving pertinent information along with contact information.  Submissions will printed first come – first serve each month, based on space.  Send your information to  Note:  Please keep descriptions to ONE SHORT paragraph in WORD format.  Do not send brochures, flyers or pictures as they will not be published.  ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE SENT TO EITHER or to  NO SUCCESSIVE MONTHS.



Business Spotlight:



I Recommend:


To receive newsletter by e-mail:  send request to


For on-line edition, go to


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS for the September 2013 Newsletter is August 28.  Any submissions after this date cannot be guaranteed inclusion.


Newsletter Editor:  Angelia Trevathan             e-mail: 

Phone:  770-312-6374


The LCHA Newsletter and Website are published and maintained for the benefit of Lee’s Crossing homeowners. The purpose of the Newsletter and the Website is to promote Lee’s Crossing and to provide our homeowners with information regarding Lee’s Crossing activities and related issues.  The homeowners have entrusted the LCHA Board of Directors with the obligation and right to ensure content conforms to this purpose.  As such, articles or advertising endorsing political positions or candidates or other subject matter the Board deems to be divisive, offensive or inappropriate in nature will not be published or posted.  All appropriate content is welcomed and encouraged as a means of furthering awareness and communication within our neighborhood.



Mailbox Repair:  If you need a new post call Bob Schoonover at 770-422-8774. Contact Cindi Filer at 404-518-5809 for mailbox post paint.


Clubhouse Rental:  Call Tricia Wilson at 770-428-8144 or e-mail


Neighborhood Directories:  Soft copies of the Neighborhood Directory are available in PDF format.  Send request to


Clubhouse WiFi network Name/Password:  lcswimtennis


Board Members


Erroll Eckford, President      404-226-0088                                    Brad Herr, Director              770-499-9354

656 Trailwood Lane                                                                           603 Briarmeade Drive


Walt Walker, Director            770-428-4755                                   Angela Ford, Treasurer       678-234-7430

1060 Foreststone Way                                                                       521 Lee’s Trace                  


Jim Martin, Director               770-420-3484                                   Covenant Enforcement

1139 Chestnut Hill Circle                                                                   David Waldrep


David Hettrich, Director      770-425-0290                 

463 Lee's Trace


Board Email: