Lee’s Crossing

Monthly Newsletter                                                                  August  2012




Dear Neighbors,


The heat goes on…   I hope you are all having a great summer.   It is hard to believe that the new school year is about to start.  This will mean a lot more traffic and school buses going through the neighborhood in the morning.  


The Board members and I want to thank Dianne and Terry Ryan one last time.  Unfortunately for us, but good for them, they are moving back to California in August.  This move has been in their plans for a while now and they are very much looking forward to getting back to Ca.  We all greatly appreciate all they have done to get the Lee’s Crossing landscaping under control.  The improvements at the front entrance with the new plantings and flower beds have made Lee’s Crossing an inviting place to enter. Dianne also oversaw the painting of the clubhouse this year -which turned out fantastic!    I know many have stopped to compliment Dianne on the work she has done and that is very much appreciated.  We will miss them very much.


I want to pass on to everyone that on Aug 13th CSX will be closing the Whitlock railroad crossing going into the Square.  They will be repairing the crossing, and hopefully smoothing it out so that it is much easier to cross the tracks. 


Please be safe with school starting up.  I wish all our students well and hope they have a great year!

Stay cool and don’t hesitate to contact me or any Board member.  You can also send a note to Leescrossing@comcast.net with any questions you may have.


Brad Herr

LCHA President


Around the Neighborhood


Hunting and Firearms in Georgia


Did you know that to hunt unsupervised in Georgia you must have passed the Georgia Hunter Safety course, which is required to buy a license?  That course, taught by state-certified instructors, will be offered free, at our Clubhouse, in August and October of this year.


Stressing firearm safety, this highly successful course will be offered as a two-night session taught by instructors, and a one-night session preceded by the student completing an on-line course. Both types include the Final Exam, proctored by the Instructors.  No functional firearms will be present, and the course is an excellent Firearms Safety course, whether you ever intend to hunt or not.


You must pre-register – The class, which is open to all, has limited seating.  Go on the Internet to: http://georgiawildlife.dnr.state.ga.us for details and free registration.  The student will be asked for their SSAN, to be entered in the State’s secure database.  If further details are desired, contact Ken Lowman at 770-426-8255.



Several residents have inquired about adding Wi-Fi at the clubhouse, and now it is available.  The network name is lcswimtennis, and if you are asked for a password use that same name.  You should be able to connect anywhere in the pool area, the tennis pavilion, or the clubhouse.



Welcome New Neighbors


Jacob Allen                             369 Baskin Drive

Deborah Bruner                      459 Lee's Trace




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Clubhouse Rentals

If you have any questions or need to book the clubhouse, please call or e-mail Tricia Wilson at 770-428-8144 or triciaww@mindspring.com.  In an effort to keep our Clubhouse clean and in the best condition, the rental deposit has increased to $250.  However, if you return the clubhouse after rental in its best condition, the entire deposit will be returned.






Neighborhood Notaries


Greg Amaden                         Lee’s Trace                              770-429-9264

James Belrose                          Lees Trace                               770-794-9897

Melissa Drehs                          Lee’s Trace                              216-392-1424
Brenda Fairbanks                    Trailwood Lane                       678-290-4810

Angela G. Ford                       Lee’s Trace                              678-234-7430

David Hardy                           Harrowgrove Court                770-427-6319

Carolyn Richardson                Cedar Branch Court                770-427-9900

Cecilia E. White                      Trailwood Lane                       678-797-6209


If you are a Notary and are willing to help out your neighbors, please send your name and phone number to leescrossing@comcast.net. 





CLASSIFIED SUBMISSIONS:  When submitting a classified ad, please use the format being used for the ads listed below.  Pictures will not be printed. Please make sure to include contact information and state how long you wish the article to run.  All submissions will run ONE MONTH unless otherwise requested.


Spanish Tutoring

Available right here in Lee's Crossing!  My name is Diane Edwards and I am a certified Spanish teacher.  I have 8 years of classroom experience and have been tutoring for 10 years.  Please contact me to reserve a spot for your child. Many children need a refresher after a long summer break in order to start the year out on the right track.  I am available for tutoring in Spanish 1, 2, and 3 at a reasonable rate.  You may contact me at edwardsdiane@yahoo.com or by phone at 770-575-0445.


Liquidation Estate Sale

9:00-3:00 on Friday, Saturday, Sunday (August 10-12) @716 Trailwood Ln.  EVERYTHING MUST GO!  No we are not dead yet, only relocating back to CA and our home sold too fast to plan a move so we are leaving everything in the house (sofas, chairs, maple day bed, king poster bed with side tables, lamps, pictures, camping/hiking supplies, trinkets, patio stuff,  LOTS OF TOOLS and shop stuff, and much, much more).  (You can view pictures of portions of our “estate” at www.LifetimeLiquidations.com.)  PLEASE ATTEND AND HELP US EMPTY OUR GA NEST.  Thanks for your support…Terry and Dianne Ryan


Roxie Needs a Home

A Golden Retriever named "Roxie" is looking for a good home here in Lee's Crossing.   Roxie currently belongs to Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta and is fostered by one of your neighbors here in Lee's Crossing. Roxie had belonged to a breeder who retired her to GRRA.com

She is 9yrs old, spaded, in good health, and a sweet gentle dog. She loves to go for walks, especially at Cheatham Hill.  You may even already have a free dog sitter.  Call Rich Dedula  at 678-921-2115 to meet Roxie.



Mailbox Painting

My name is Matt Filer and I am going off to UGA in the fall.  I would appreciate any yard work, mailbox paining ($20), mowing, etc. in the month of July!  We will have a blow-out mailbox painting special the weekend of July 14 - where I will do mailboxes for $15 that weekend - trying to do quite a few over those two days.  If you would like me to do your yard work or paint your mailbox, please let me know by emailing me at mattfiler12@gmail.com.   




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Lees Crossing Calendar of Neighborhood Events


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Sept 3 - Labor Day/ Pool Closing Party



October 20 - Family fun

Around Town

Calendar of Events – August





"Smoke on the Mountain" presented by Atlanta Lyric Theatre


First Fridays Art Walk


Helicopter rides over Marietta


"Best of Broadway" Musical Revue at Strand Theatre


Enola Gay survivor book signing at Marietta Museum of History's Aviation Wing

11-12, 16-19,


"Legally Blonde: The Musical" presented by Atlanta Lyric Theatre


Youth Basketball Registration

24, 25

Glover Park Concert Series

 These events are from the City of Marietta calendar.  For more information on any of these events, go to www.mariettaga.gov, click on the city calendar and follow the link to the desired event.

Glover Park Concert Series Schedule of Performers

August 24                   Yacht Rock Schooner/Party Rock
August 25                   GSO Jazz/Jazz
September 28              Atlanta Pleasure Band/R&B

The Polk Street Players

"Dream Lover", a comedy by Jack Sharkey, will be presented by the Polk Street Players in the Stellar Cellar at St. James' Church on Church Street August 24 – Sept 8.


Call 770-218-9669 for information and reservations. 


Neighborhood Business Spotlight

If you would like to tell your neighbors about your business or recommend someone else’s -business, please send us a BRIEF paragraph giving pertinent information along with contact information.  Submissions will printed first come – first serve each month, based on space.  Send your information to leescrossing@comcast.net.  Note:  Please keep descriptions to ONE SHORT paragraph in WORD format.  Do not send brochures, flyers or pictures as they will not be published.  ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE SENT TO EITHER leescrossing@comcast.net or to trevathan.angelia@gmail.com.  NO SUCCESSIVE MONTHS.


Business Spotlight:


As a long- time resident here in Lee’s Crossing, let me share what I do.  I am the Owner/Director of The Spirit of Dance and am excited to be starting my 9th season of providing quality dance instruction at 4 convenient locations.  We offer weekly classes in multiple genres for all skill levels from ages 2 to ADULT, all in an environment promoting Christian principles.  We produce professionally choreographed Christmas shows and spring recitals to showcase & celebrate the dancer’s effort, and offer a performance troupe called “In His Steps” for the students ages 7 & UP who wish to dedicate more time to the art of dance and showcase their talents through community outreach. We would love to have the opportunity to work with your family.  Please visit our website at www.thespiritofdance.com for  more information & registration forms, or contact me, Lisa O’Sullivan (678-522-3233; lisa@thespiritofdance.com) directly if you prefer.  MENTION THAT YOU’RE A LEE’S CROSSING RESIDENT TO GET YOUR FIRST CLASS FOR FREE!!!!



I Recommend:


Gordon and Beth Pfeiffer would like to recommend two people they have used both recently and in the past.  In both cases, they have done excellent work at very reasonable prices each time we used them.  For both inside and outside painting, call Ospicio Diaz at Kevin's Painting (770-316-1354).  For either vinyl window installation or siding replacement, call Alan Murphy at 770-591-9967.  I guarantee you will be very pleased with the results.


Judy Spurill would like to recommend her friend, Catherine Sanders, to parents and grandparents for teaching social graces for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.   Catherine aims to see young people in the Marietta community develop the confidence necessary to be comfortable with themselves and others as they interact socially through school, athletics, work and family.   The Social Class will equip them with the social skills necessary to establish and maintain positive personal and professional relationships.  At the end of the course, these students will have learned to set themselves apart as they navigate through an increasingly competitive and every changing culture.  Please check out her website: www.thesocialclass.net for fall class schedules.
To receive newsletter by e-mail:  send request to leescrossing@comcast.net.


For on-line edition, go to www.leescrossingmariettaga.com


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS for the September Newsletter is August 28.  Any submissions after this date cannot be guaranteed inclusion.


Newsletter Editor:  Angelia Trevathan             e-mail: trevathan.angelia@gmail.com 

Phone:  770-312-6374


The LCHA Newsletter and Website are published and maintained for the benefit of Lee’s Crossing homeowners. The purpose of the Newsletter and the Website is to promote Lee’s Crossing and to provide our homeowners with information regarding Lee’s Crossing activities and related issues.  The homeowners have entrusted the LCHA Board of Directors with the obligation and right to ensure content conforms to this purpose.  As such, articles or advertising endorsing political positions or candidates or other subject matter the Board deems to be divisive, offensive or inappropriate in nature will not be published or posted.  All appropriate content is welcomed and encouraged as a means of furthering awareness and communication within our neighborhood.



Mailbox Repair:  If you need a new post call Bob Schoonover at 770-422-8774. Contact Cindi Filer at 404-518-5809 for mailbox post paint.



Clubhouse Rental:  Call Tricia Wilson at 770-428-8144 or e-mail triciaww@mindspring.com


Neighborhood Directories:  Soft copies of the Neighborhood Directory are available in PDF format.  Send request to leescrossing@comcast.net


Clubhouse WiFi network Name/Passwowrd:  lcswimtennis


Board Members


Brad Herr, President      770-499-9354                                            Walt Walker                               770-428-4755                               

603 Briarmeade Drive                                                                        1060 Foreststone Way                                                                      

Joe Fenton, Secretary         678-581-0033                                      Erroll Eckford, ACC Chair      404-226-0088

1068 Foreststone Way                                                                       656 Trailwood Lane          


Kevin Brown, Director – Social Activities                                       Angela Ford, Treasurer              678-234-7430

770-218-5965                                                                                      521 Lee’s Trace

1205 Fielding Court


Jim Martin, Director – At Large  770-420-3484                            Covenant Enforcement

1139 Chestnut Hill Circle                                                                   David Waldrep




Board Email: leescrossing@comcast.net